World War II Chronicle: December 4, 1942
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Pictured on today’s front page are soldiers from the 506th Parachute Infantry Regiment, commanded by Col. Robert F. Sink. They just completed a 115-mile forced march from Camp Toccoa to Atlanta, a record “unparalleled in continental American history,” according to Sink (who also marched). 2nd Lt. Richard Winters of Company E, 2nd Battalion (better known as “Easy” Company, portrayed on the HBO mini-series “Band of Brothers”) is among the men, having graduated from Officer Candidate School in July. Col. Sink will jump with his men at Normandy and Operation MARKET GARDEN and leads them during the Battle of the Bulge. He turns down promotions to stay with his unit…
Pfc. Barney Ross, retired lightweight, light-welterweight, and welterweight world boxing champion, has earned a spot promotion and the Silver Star for valor on Guadalcanal. Hit by an ambush near the Matanikau River, the force is ordered to withdraw and leave their casualties behind. Marine privates Ross, Myron L. Guarnett, and Leo J. Washvillo refuse to leave the wounded, fighting off Japanese attacks until help arrives two days later. Ross’ 1st Battalion, 8th Marines arrived at Guadalcanal as reinforcements on November 1. Washvillo is killed in action on January 15, 1943.
George Fielding Eliot column on page 12… Brig. Gen. Alfred J. Lyon has passed away as a result of exposure from a bombing mission (see page 14). He served as a technical adviser to Lt. Gen. Dwight Eisenhower and helped design both the B-17 and B-24 bombers… Page 31 reports that Task Force BUNA commander, Brig. Gen. Hanford MacNider has been wounded. For more on MacNider, check out the Nov. 20th edition… Sports section begins on page 60
Evening star. (Washington, D.C.), December 4, 1942. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress.
Stalin’s useful idiots.
Patton was right – we “fought the wrong enemy”.