
Hezbollah Unlikely to Remain Angry at Biden

On May 22, U.S. vice president Joe Biden traveled to Lebanon to express support for the Lebanese government. Biden’s trip has drawn criticism from the Iranian-backed terrorist group Hezbollah, but considering Biden’s history regarding Hezbollah and their handlers, the anger isn’t likely to be long-lived.

The Central News Agency reported that Biden would deliver a message from President Obama expressing U.S. support for Lebanese stability, discussing cooperation with the Lebanese military, and calling for the implementation of security resolutions, including United Nations Security Council Resolution 1701, which calls for the disarmament of Hezbollah.

Biden’s trip was the second trip in two months by a high-ranking American official (Secretary of State Hillary Clinton visited in April) and was the first by an American vice president in 26 years. George H.W. Bush traveled there in 1983, two days after Hezbollah terrorists killed 241 American Marines, sailors, and soldiers.

“Lebanon has suffered terribly from war and we have a real opportunity now … for peace,” Biden said after meeting with President Michel Suleiman. “So I urge those who think about standing with the spoilers of peace not to miss this opportunity to walk away from the spoilers.”

Hezbollah is now accusing the U.S. of trying to influence the vote in favor of the pro-freedom, Western-backed March 14 Alliance. They claim that the visits by Clinton and now Biden raised “strong suspicion and amounted to a clear and detailed interference in Lebanon’s affairs.”

“The U.S. will evaluate the shape of its assistance program based on the composition of the new government and the policies it is advocating.” Biden said of future American assistance to Lebanon. Since 2006, the U.S. has contributed over $400 million worth of military assistance alone to Lebanon – including ammunition, artillery, M60 battle tanks, Raven unmanned aerial vehicles, and other weapons systems.

“The high American interest in Lebanon raises strong suspicion as to the real reason behind it,” said Hezbollah in a statement, “especially since it has become a clear and detailed intervention in Lebanese affairs.” Apparently Biden’s call for “fair, free and transparent elections” classifies as an “intervention in Lebanese affairs” to Hezbollah.

But the terrorist group will not likely remain angry at Biden. Back in 2007, Biden voted against a Senate amendment that would name Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) – Hezbollah’s benefactor – as a terrorist organization.

Read the rest at the International Analyst Network

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