
AP: Obama’s a Jock

In case you didn’t know, this is what passes as journalism at the AP (emphasis mine):

[Obama has] spent his adult life in big cities — New York, Chicago and, now, Washington. Basketball, golf, and bodysurfing are how this jock rolls. Indoor daily gym workouts are the norm.

How this “jock” rolls? I don’t know how he rolls, but I remember how he bowls: a very non-jock-worthy 37. And afterwards he had the audacity to make fun of special olympians.

Isn’t this the same jock that threw out the first pitch to the All-Star Game? The Fox Network cameras were positioned so that they would not show the actual pitch. MLB cameras however did show the entire pitch. Albert Pujols was positioned on top of the plate, rather than behind it, and the ball still hit the ground.

Not quite what I would call a jock, but I am not an active duty member of the White House Press Corps, either.

From my AP Style Manual (the only thing written by the AP worth the ink):

mn_obama_bowlsjock Used when describing athleticism of Democratic presidents.
See Barack Obama.

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