ImagesMilitary History

Is that a lifting body under your wing, or are you just happy to see me?

It’s hard to believe that the B-52B in this photo from 1969…

… is the same plane (NASA Tail Number 008) in this picture from 2001:

When the tenth B-52 (registration number 52-0008) rolled off Boeing’s Seattle line, NASA grabbed it and put it to use launching some of the coolest/weirdest aircraft that the United States ever produced. For nearly 50 years, Balls 8 launched everything from the North American X-15, lifting bodies (like the HL-10 in the first picture) that paved the way for the Space Shuttle, to the X-43 Hyper-X scramjet (above and below).

The X-43 Hyper X, attached to a Pegasus rocket. Silhouettes of the vehicles and testing platforms carried by 008 are painted on the side of her fuselage.

By the time she finally retired in 2004, this “mothership” had accumulated 2,443 hours and was the longest-serving B-52 ever built. Balls 8 is now enjoying retirement, sitting on display at the north gate of Edwards Air Force Base.

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