
Obama’s Approval Index and the POTUS golfing double standard

According to Rasmussen Reports, Obama’s approval rating has been steadily dropping since taking office in January.

Over the last three days, Obama has hit an all-time low of those who “strongly approve” of him – 32%, and tied the all-time high of those who “strongly disapprove” – 34%. Likely culprits are Obama’s abhorrent handling of the situation in Iran and his upcoming Socialist healthcare system that seems eminent.

On a side note, Amanda Carpenter points out at the Washington Times‘ “Hot Button” blog that public opinion drove George W. Bush to stop golfing in 2003. With troops in harm’s way in Iraq, it apparently sent the wrong message for the Commander-in-Chief to be playing golf. Fast forward to 2009 with troops engaged in Iraq, Afghanistan, and other parts of the world, Barack Obama has enjoyed a free pass. Carpenter notes that Obama has been hit the links a total of eight times since becoming president.

While I don’t necessarily see a problem with the leader of the free world de-stressing from time to time, I do find fault with the double standard of a supposed free press.

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