
Proof that placating terrorists (and the sponsors who love them) doesn’t work

You just can’t make this stuff up. As I discussed on the show this week — in words that may as well have come from Ayatollah Khomenei himself — Obama refused to “meddle” in the Iranian elections. By meddling, I don’t mean dispatching CIA operatives do sabotage the process, I mean commenting on the protests by the Iranian people against the process — which couldn’t be further from democratic. The French president even spoke out against the elections! It’s a sad day when the French are fighting the pirates and condemning tyrannical regimes while our president sits on his hands.

From the Telegraph (via Jihad Watch):

Barack Obama, the US president, is refusing to “meddle” in the disputed Iranian elections, despite mass protests over the result which returned President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to power….

President Obama said: “It’s important to understand that, although there is amazing ferment taking place in Iran, the difference between Ahmadinejad and Mousavi in terms of their actual policies may not be as great as has been advertised.”

Actually, Obama is correct — all “candidates” were selected in a process that excluded any opposition. But the protests may be as much pro-democracy (like Lebanon’s March 14 Alliance) as they are pro-Mousavi.

“Either way, we were going to be dealing with an Iranian regime that has historically been hostile to the United States, that has caused some problems in the neighbourhood and has been pursuing nuclear weapons,” he told CNBC television.

He said he hoped Iran’s leaders responded to outrage over an election that pro-reform activists say was stolen by Ahmadinejad, not with violence but by respecting the right to peaceful expression.

“Am I optimistic that that will happen? You know – I take a wait-and-see approach. Either way, it’s important for the United States to engage in the tough diplomacy around those permanent security concerns that we have – nuclear weapons, funding of terrorism,” he said….

“It is not productive, given the history of US-Iranian relations to be seen as meddling – the US president, meddling in Iranian elections,” Mr Obama said….

So how does Iran respond? An olive branch? Perhaps rethink wiping out the nation of Israel and put an end to killing our troops in Iraq and Afghanistan?

The Associated Press reports (via Jihad Watch):

The Iranian government accused the United States on Wednesday of meddling in the deepening crisis. State media blamed Washington for “intolerable” interference.

We can’t win for losing when it comes to this new approach with Iran. We might as well have meddled, because the result would be the same. Whenever Iran, Hezbollah, or basically any other Islamic supremacist group doesn’t get their way — it is our fault. And as I said yesterday, conducting our foreign policy as the mullahs in Iran wish us to “violates page one, chapter one, verse one of counterterrorism:  never appease, validate, or legitimize a terrorist.” Is our president paying attention?

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