Military History

Jan. 2 in U.S. military history

1777: Following the surprise American victory at Trenton (N.J.) days earlier, British forces under Lt. Gen. Charles Cornwallis counterattack Gen. George Washington’s Continental Army at Assunpink Creek. The British withdraw after three failed assaults against American positions, and abandon New Jersey after another defeat the following day.

1863: Union Maj. Gen. William S. Rosecrans’ Army of the Cumberland defeats Confederate Gen. Braxton Bragg’s Army of Tennessee in Murphreesboro, Tenn. Losses were heavy; casualty percentages were higher during the Battle of Stones River than during any other engagement during the Civil War.

1943: The 32nd Infantry Division captures the strategic town of Buna, New Guinea and its airfield in the first major land victory against the Japanese in World War II.

1944: U.S. forces – including the 32nd Infantry Division – land at Saidor, New Guinea, isolating 15,000 Japanese troops.

1967: Col. (future Brig. Gen. and triple ace) Robin Olds leads a flight of F-4 Phantoms over North Vietnam, shooting down nearly half of the North Vietnamese air force’s fighter inventory without a single loss to U.S. aircraft.

Adapted (and abridged) in part from “This Week in US Military History” by W. Thomas Smith Jr. at Human Events.

2 thoughts on “Jan. 2 in U.S. military history

  • Lane Carlton Zatopek

    The 1863 events happened in MURFREESBORO, TN – I was born there of parents who were born there. My mother was born in a home (still standing) that was commandeered by the Union army and used as a hospital during fighting around the area. The family hid a wounded Confederate soldier while the yankees occupied the house. The Battle of Murfreesboro (or Stones River) involved great-grandparents on both sides of the Late Unpleasantness. Thanks for the history notes!

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