National SecurityReligion

British foil Easter terror attack

British police have foiled what Prime Minister Gordon Brown calls a “very big terrorist plot.”

The Telegraph reports that 12 suspects were arrested for allegedly plotting to carry out deadly suicide bombings over the Easter holiday weekend. 11 of the suspects are Pakistani nationals, exploiting Britain’s student visa program. 10,000 Pakistanis come to Britain under student visas each year.

It is suspected that the terrorists chose the Easter weekend because Easter is a significant Christian holiday.

Now bearing that in mind, will Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari come to the U.K. or the United States and say that “Pakistan is not at war with Christianity” like Obama recently did in Turkey?

Will members of Pakistan’s military hold a ceremony for the Pope and other Christian religious leaders, presenting them with Bibles handled with white gloves and a kiss as American military officials did for Muslim leaders in Iraq?

Will Christians conduct worldwide riots, killing Muslims and burning Mosques?

Will Iraqi and Afghan soldiers patrol the streets for fraudulent ACORN voter registrations and guard voting booths to safeguard our democratic process?

Unlikely. We will continue down the spiral of Dhimmitude while Islam marches on.

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