
Partisanship in Media Equals Propaganda, Not Journalism

While in line to attend a fundraiser for President Obama, the president of CBS reportedly said that “partisanship is very much a part of journalism now.” Considering the definitions of journalism and partisanship, we see that Les Moonves has openly admitted that his industry has abandoned its true mission and instead is pushing an agenda.

According to Merriam Webster, a partisan is “one exhibiting blind, prejudiced, and unreasoning alliance” to a “party, faction, cause, or person.”

Journalism is “a direct presentation of facts or description of events without interpretation.”

Obviously, the two cannot coexist.

All humans are biased to a degree, but professional journalists are supposed to set aside their biases and simply present facts. Facts aren’t liberal or conservative – they are just facts. But when you have blind allegiance to an agenda, then you twist the facts to fit your agenda.

Read the full article at The Victory Institute

One thought on “Partisanship in Media Equals Propaganda, Not Journalism

  • David Ebstein

    Are you still out there…?
    Thank you —

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