In Their Own Words

‘Beware, we are coming’

“We want to inform Bush and our rivals about our real intentions. We will establish Islamic rule from Alaska and Chile to South Africa, and from Japan to Russia. Beware, we are coming.”

– Ibrahim Al-Maqdasi (a leader of al Shabaab, an al Qaeda-linked Somali terrorist group) on Al-Jazeera and Al-Arabiya television

One thought on “‘Beware, we are coming’

  • Speak2Truth

    It is heartbreaking to see that Americans cannot grasp this. As Muslims build up their communities in the US, there is only one goal – to eventually force the US under Islamic rule. That ALWAYS happens when Muslims gain dominance of strength and intimidation.

    Look at it happening in Britain and France right now.

    The next war to remove the Islamic invaders will make the Crusades look like a tea party – if Westerners even have the spirit (or weapons) to fight for their freedom again.

    I wish the newsies were honest enough to air such warnings in their primetime spots. At least Americans could have some understanding of the threat. Deprived of the truth, Americans are led like sheep to the slaughter.

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