
We are all Geert Wilders now

This is a transcript of the Unto the Breach program. Click here for the audio.

In 2008, Geert Wilders – the Dutch politician and the leader of the Freedom Party – made the controversial film Fitna. His film features verses from the Qur’an that inspire hatred and violence, along with media clips and newspaper clippings showing acts of violence and hatred by Muslims. After Wilders simply exposed what Muslims themselves say, al Qaeda issued a fatwa calling for his murder (Wilders has been living under 24-hour police protection since 2004).

The film is about 17 minutes, and you have to see for yourself what all of the commotion is about.

Wilders currently faces prosecution in Holland for incitement to hatred and discrimination. The charges are based on his film and comments in the Dutch press last year in which he argued that as Adolf Hitler’s Mein Kampf has been banned in Holland, the Qur’an should also be banned under Dutch incitement laws.

Now Wilders was invited by a member of Britain’s parliament to show Fitna in January, but the visit was canceled following fierce protests from the UK Muslim community.

The UK’s first Muslim politician, Pakistani-born Lord Ahmed, threatened that he would mobilize 10,000 Muslims to prevent Wilders from appearing. Parliament caved, and Ahmed praised Allah for delivering ‘a victory for the Muslim community’. Apparently a victory for the Muslim community means a defeat for free speech.

Parliament decided to allow time for clarification on issues concerning freedom of speech. Wilders rescheduled his trip for February, but now he is being told by the British ambassador to the Netherlands that his visit would constitute a threat to public order and that he is not welcome.

Radio Netherlands reports:

Mr. Wilders responded to the decision in fighting mood, telling Dutch media that he still intended to travel to London: “I’ll see what happens at the border. Let them put me in handcuffs.”

Dutch Foreign Minister Maxime Verhagen’s response was also firm. He contacted his UK counterpart, David Miliband, by telephone and voiced his dissatisfaction that a member of the Dutch parliament – Geert Wilders is in fact also the leader of a political grouping, the Freedom Party – has been prohibited from entering a fellow European Union member state.

They did have to order extra security, but Parliament has rescheduled the showing of Fitna for this week.

The interesting bit should be that Wilders is the one on trial. He merely repeated what Muslims had said and done. That makes about as much sense as throwing Katie Couric in GITMO for showing footage of roadside bombs in Iraq. Wilders didn’t make this stuff up, Muslims themselves said it. The verses can be found in the Qur’an. Why arent’ they on trial for inciting hate and violence?

Shoot no, Islam is the religion of peace!

Dr. Sami Alrabaa recently wrote an article exposing comments made by Muslims.

Ali Gom’a, the grand mufti of Egypt, the highest Muslim religious authority in the world, supports murdering non-Muslims. He says, “Muslims must kill non-believers wherever they are unless they convert to Islam.” He also compares non-Muslims to apes and pigs, not only the Jews.

Why is that not hate speech? Oh that’s right, the U.N. ruled that criticism of Islam isn’t permitted.

There’s more:

Muhammad Sayyid Al Tantawi, president of [the Egyptian] Al Azhar University also approves of killing and maiming Christians, Jews, and other infidels. He added, “This is not my personal view. This what the Shari’a Law says, the law of Allah, the only valid law on the earth.”

Yousef Al Qaradhawi, spiritual leader of the Muslim Brotherhood, urged on Al Jazeera TV for Muslims to kill the Jews, not only in Israel but also worldwide. He added, “No peace can be made between us (Muslims) and the non-believers. This what our holy book says. This what Allah says.”

I could go on.

Muslims can make statements like those with impunity. They can kill tens of thousands of innocent people each year in jihad, but Geert Wilders can’t repeat what they say? The only defense for Islam is to silence the critics. To attack the messenger, because they can’t defend their message.They are the ones inciting hatred and violence. Nasralleh, bin Laden, Ahmadinejad, al-Qardawi and company are the ones who should be on the stand, not Geert Wilders.

Freedom is being destroyed. It could just as easily be me or you on that stand, folks, and it may well be one day. We need to support Geert Wilders, because supporting Wilders is supporting freedom.

As Jeffery Imm said:

If we accept the silencing of [Wilders], then we know they will silence one of us next, and then another, and another, and another… until our defiance to Islamic supremacism and our commitment to equality and liberty is reduced to a handful of voices, then a whimper, then a whisper, and then not at all. That is a silence that we cannot accept, a defeat that we cannot stomach, a surrender we cannot live with.

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