National Security

Illustrating absurdity: Liberals and counter-terrorism

Victor Davis Hanson cleverly illustrates the absurdity of liberal outrage regarding our counter-terrorism strategy. Consider this:

Somehow bloggers and op-ed writers have established by their selective outrage a narrative that it was immoral of Cheney to approve the waterboarding of three confessed terrorists like KSM, but quite moral of Obama to expand fivefold the Predator targeted-assassination program that served as judge, jury, and executioner of suspected terrorists — and of any living thing in their vicinity when the Hellfire missiles obliterated their compounds.

That is not to say that I am opposed to Hellfire missile attacks against “suspected terrorists” – providing our intelligence community is doing their due diligence in vetting their targets. But Hanson makes it crystal clear that there is a significant segment of our government that is willing to jeopardize the lives of Americans in order to weaken their political opponents.

If the Democrats seriously thought that the Bush doctrine had to be discarded, as Hanson points out, they would have corrected it. Instead, they continued the very strategy that they had fought when their party wasn’t in power:

… Obama retained Secretary of Defense Gates, stuck to the Bush-Petraeus withdrawal plan in Iraq, expanded Predator-drone attacks in Waziristan, surged into Afghanistan, bombed Libya, and embraced everything from Guantanamo to renditions.

It would be comical if it weren’t for the fact that it is our lives they are risking for their personal gain. I hope enough Americans will consider this when it comes time to vote.

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