National Security

Dumb and dumber

Nidal Malik Hasan, the jihadist Army psychiatrist who killed 13 and wounded 32 soldiers and civilians in November 2009, is awaiting the results of a mental health exam that will determine whether he is fit to stand trial.

Not to jump to conclusions–as we were cautioned by the government and media, who ironically failed to follow their own advice following the Tucson shooting–but available evidence shows a man who knew exactly what he was doing. Looking back, Hasan had given the system every opportunity to prevent this massacre, but despite being openly jihadist, the system–infused by decades of political correctness–failed.

Army Chief of Staff Gen. George Casey said, “[A]s horrific as this tragedy was, if our diversity becomes a casualty, I think that’s worse.” Once I heard that, I figured it would not be long before Congress enacted a jihad version of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” for the military.

But back to Hasan’s mental report, one has to wonder which of these two are the crazier: the man who was simply following an ideology that told him to kill non-believers, or the non-believers who refuse to admit that the ideology exists, then kowtow to the ideologues who only find appeasement in the killing of the non-believers?

Remember that following the massacre at Fort Hood, the Pentagon released an 88-page report on the incident entirely devoid of any reference to Islamic supremacism. I think that Americans would be better served if it were the federal government was being given the mental health evaluation.

One thought on “Dumb and dumber

  • Robert James Burkholder

    IMO American government installed Psychiatry as the new religion, and Psychiatrists as the associate high priests right below the mere politician. They had followed the Court mandates to divest our Government of any Religious or Moral obligation . And needed something to fill that void.When I was in College I had debts left over from a marriage that ended some years before I was discharged. I was enrolled as a full time student. working for the School Paper, and working a forty hour plus job as dishwasher. did not leave me time enough to enjoy renting an apartment. So i lived in my truck– or slept in the newspaper Office, until the campus rent a cops said NO. So I slept in back of the local grocery or under a church bus-until local cops asked the College to help me.
    They arranged a stay at the local mental health house-where I was charged with practicing psychiatry without a licence for treating an annoying girl like she treated everyone else. My methods worked her behavior changed. their methods perpetrated the behavior. Go figure.

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