
The Death of Democracy and the Birth of Mobocracy in America?

Originally published at Faith Freedom International

By Ali Sina

Obama came to power via fraud. He is not a natural born U.S. citizen. The clear proof of that is that despite 31 lawsuits filed against him demanding he prove his eligibility for the U.S. Presidency, he has instead hired three law firms, and spent hundreds of thousands of dollars to avoid doing anything of the sort.

Not one of these 31 cases has received a hearing to rule on their underlying merits. Why are judges unwilling to tackle Obama’s eligibility question?

The answer is that they suspect Obama is not, in fact, eligible, they are afraid of the chaos that would ensue from such a discovery, and of what his supporters would do.

Judges know that should Obama’s Presidency be overturned, millions of his fans will turn American cities into warzones.

Many people in the mainstream media also now suspect that Obama is a fraud. Why are they not speaking out? It is because they know that if they do, they would be harassed by Obama’s fans and perhaps lose their jobs.

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