
A ‘New approach’ with Iran?

This is a transcript of the Unto the Breach program. Click here for the audio.

And to think you heard it on CNN… On the show “Cafferty File,” host Jack Cafferty addressed Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s defense of the hundreds of millions of dollars that will be spent on contraception.

“What exactly did she mean? Are the millions of dollars for contraception supposed to stop people from having babies? [That’s] starting to sound a little like Chairman Mao.” Good point, Jack. Try finding any remarkable difference between Pelosi’s Congressional Progressive Caucus’ platform and the Chi-Coms’.


Barack Obama is accelerating his promise to withdraw U.S. troops from Iraq. U.S. troops are reducing their visibility as Iraqis take over security.

Intelligence officials are saying that the Sunni al Qaeda in Iraq insurgents are being replaced by Shiite Iranian proxies. Representative Gary Ackerman (D-NY), who chairs the House Subcommittee on Middle East and Southern Asia, says that Iraq is being absorbed into a “regional proxy war with Iran.”

A military officer in Baghdad told the New York Daily News that “The [Iranian] Islamic Revolutionary Guard, or Quds Force, continues to train and arm terrorists and supplies more terrorists in Iraq.”

Coalition forces continue to find caches that include Iranian weapons, including the deadly Exploxively-Formed Penetrators. Multi-National Forces-Iraq says that approximately 3-7 EFP attacks occur each month in Iraq.


So while Iran is funding and arming the terrorist group Hamas in Gaza, Hezbollah in Lebanon, they are destabilizing Iraq as well.

So what is our solution? Barack Obama thinks “the power of American diplomacy” can handle “Iran’s illicit nuclear program, support for terrorism, and threats toward Israel.”

Really, what kind of deal can we make to get the mullahs to back off of the elimination of the state of Israel? How do you ration with people who want to bring about the apocalypse?

Iran doesn’t want to deal with us, they want to destroy us. Experts believe that they will have a nuclear weapon within the year. What could Obama possibly say that would talk them down from their nuclear program, which has become a source of national pride.

If Iran does not abandon its nuclear ambitions, Obama will lead efforts to further economic and political isolation.

However, a report provided to French President Nicolas Sarkozy last month shows that Iran has all of the technology and material to deploy a nuclear weapon, and they have been successful in eluding sanctions. Just this month, Lloyds Bank of London had to pay out a whopping $350 million for violating sanctions and giving Iran access to the American financial system.

Obama believes in a “new approach,” emphasizing “respect and a new willingness to talk.” Respect isn’t what defeated the Nazis. A new willingness to talk didn’t defeat the Soviets. Eight years of working with the Iranians is what got us to this point.

The world can not afford a nuclear-armed Iran. Diplomacy will not solve this problem.

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