Real American Heroes

Rodney J.T. Yano Medal of Honor citation

Army MOH CitationThe President of the United States in the name of The Congress takes pride in presenting the MEDAL OF HONOR posthumously to




for service as set forth in the following


The President of the United States of America, in the name of Congress, takes pride in presenting the Medal of Honor (Posthumously) to First Sergeant Rodney James Tadashi Yano (ASN: 10116085), United States Army, for conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty while serving with Air Cavalry Troop, 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment, in action against enemy aggressor forces at Bien Hoa, Republic of Vietnam, on 1 January 1969. Sergeant First Class Yano was performing the duties of crew chief aboard the troop’s command-and-control helicopter during action against enemy forces entrenched in dense jungle. From an exposed position in the face of intense small arms and anti-aircraft fire he delivered suppressive fire upon the enemy forces and marked their positions with smoke and white phosphorous grenades, thus enabling his troop commander to direct accurate and effective artillery fire against the hostile emplacements. A grenade, exploding prematurely, covered him with burning phosphorous, and left him severely wounded. Flaming fragments within the helicopter caused supplies and ammunition to detonate. Dense white smoke filled the aircraft, obscuring the pilot’s vision and causing him to lose control. Although having the use of only one arm and being partially blinded by the initial explosion, Sergeant First Class Yano completely disregarded his welfare and began hurling blazing ammunition from the helicopter. In so doing he inflicted additional wounds upon himself, yet he persisted until the danger was past. Sergeant First Class Yano’s indomitable courage and profound concern for his comrades averted loss of life and additional injury to the rest of the crew. By his conspicuous gallantry at the cost of his life, in the highest traditions of the military service, Sergeant First Class Yano has reflected great credit on himself, his unit, and the United States Army.

Born: 13 Dec. 1943, Kealakekua Kona, Hawaii… Air Cavalry Troop, 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment

9 thoughts on “Rodney J.T. Yano Medal of Honor citation

  • Always wondered where Yano Range (Ft Knox) got its name.

  • Haig Tufankjian

    Sargent Yano was my Tech Inspector at the 11th CAV. A great mechanic, a great tech inspector, a great spirit sadly taken from us too soon. All of us in Air Troop held Yano in the highest regard.

  • Thanks for checking in Tania and Tania. Despite living in a world full of enemies, we enjoy freedom and security thanks to great Americans like Rodney.

  • Tanja Balleisen

    I am the daughter of him

  • tania mayer

    we still miss him every day since 47 years
    i am the mother of tanja, she is rodneys daughter

  • Serena Reyes

    that’s my grandpa’s brother 🙂

  • Jerseyman

    Sgt. Yano not only gave his life and saved his aircraft and crew, but he must have endured incredible pain in the performance of his final act of extreme gallantry. It is humbling to share a country with men like him. God Bless him and his.

  • M. Blasko

    America should take notice to our warriors, past and present. Forever keeping us safe to follow whatever we please in a country that is free. Our Vietnam vets are hero’s and should be treated like hero’s! I wish I was older than four years old when our brave men fought bravely in Viet Nam. I would kick a hippie protesters @ss for not giving these soldiers a hero’s welcome.
    God Bless our Armed Services

  • Ted Gwinn

    I served with Rodney Yano with the 11th ACR in Vietnam. I have met a few really class act individuals in my life but Rodney will forever be at the top of my list.

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