
FBI hate crime report shows ‘Islamophobia’ in decline

I continually read news articles that state American anti-Muslim sentiment has reached a “fever pitch,” or words to that affect, so I figured it would be worthwhile to see just how bad this wave of “Islamophobia” actually is.

Reported incidents from the FBI’s hate crime statistics (which published yesterday):

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
Anti-Jewish 1,472 1,043 931 927 954 848 967 969 1,013 931
Anti-Christian 115 73 108 125 95 115 135 118 131 89
Anti-Muslim 28 481 155 149 156 128 156 115 105 107

We see a significant spike from 28 anti-Muslim incidents in 2000 (who really knew anything about Islam prior to 9/11) to 481 in 2001. And the so-called “fever pitch” is actually trending downwards: excluding 2000 and 2001, the amount hate crimes against Muslims in 2008 and 2009 is actually below average.

While there are nearly three times the amount of Jews than Muslims in the U.S. (according to CIA World Factbook estimates), there are nearly nine times the amount of anti-Jewish activity than anti-Muslim.

The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) would have you believe that anti-Muslim “hate crimes” would be some poor Muslim being beaten to death by white supremacists, but a closer look at the findings show that most of the incidents were merely intimidation.

Since 2009’s statistics were just released, we will have to wait until next year to see whether this year’s events – such as the divisive Ground Zero Mosque – had any impact on anti-Muslim hate crime. But it would seem that the wave of “Islamophobia” that CAIR purports to be sweeping the nation is apparently no worse than anti-Christian crime – and far less prevalent than anti-Semitism.

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