

The media had their eyes peeled for government excess regarding the price tag of the inauguration: (

In Sunday’s New York Times, John Tierney examined the delicate balancing act administrations face when throwing a lavish inauguration celebration against the backdrop of unsettling world events. Tierney wrote that inaugurations “become even trickier during times of war, particularly when television images of dancers in black tie can be instantly juxtaposed with soldiers in body armor.”

ABC’s Terry Moran asked, “In a time of war and national disaster, is it time for a lavish celebration?” And AP reporter Will Lester asked, “Do we need to spend this money on what seems so extravagant?”

Surprise! That’s what they said about Bush’s 2005 inauguration. We were at war, but the economy, relatively speaking, was in good shape. Contrast that with their coverage of Barack Obama’s inaugura-palooza: While the media harped on about Bush’s “unprecedented $50 million” price tag, there is no complaint about Obama nearly quadrupling Bush’s previous record.

At least the Soviet state-run Pravda and Izvestia papers tried to appear objective. Is there any doubt whose side our nation’s media is on?

Mega millions aside, there are other noteworthy bits about Obama’s swearing in: Obama destroyed the 35-word oath of office. To his credit; none of them were “uh.” Note to the White House: next time have Justice Roberts hold a teleprompter.

The crowd was incredibly immature, booing President Bush, and singing “Hey hey hey, goodbye.” That’s how you treat the visiting team’s outfielder at Wrigley Field. At least no one threw any beer on him. No inauguration has ever seen this kind of behavior.

A prayer was delivered by Ingrid Mattson, the president of an Islamic group that is linked to the international terrorist group Hamas. Remember that Obama stated in an interview that Hamas, who seeks to “obliterate” Israel, has “legitimate claims.”

And then, you have the closing remarks of Reverend Joseph Lowery. You may remember Rev. Lowery from his heartwarming eulogy at Coretta Scott King’s funeral in 2006: “We know now there were no weapons of mass destruction over there. But Coretta knew and we know that there are weapons of misdirection right down here. Millions without health insurance. Poverty abounds. For war billions more but no more for the poor!”

Here’s Rev. Lowery’s prayer from the inauguration: “Lord, . . . we ask you to help us work for that day when black will not be asked to get back, when brown can stick around — (laughter) — when yellow will be mellow — (laughter) — when the red man can get ahead, man — (laughter) — and when white will embrace what is right.”

Someone actually approved this message. What does that tell you? I don’t see how this will somehow bring America together. But I am only a bitter American clinging to my guns and religion, right Mr. Obama?

This must be a good indication of what’s coming around the corner for America.

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