
Is the ‘era of big government’ over?

This is a transcript of the Unto the Breach program. Click here for the audio.

13 years ago, President Bill Clinton said that “the era of big government is over.” But is it? Now president-elect Barack Obama trying to bill big government as the solution. And his trillion-dollar stimulus is VERY big government.

Maybe Obama should read the 2004 UCLA study that said FDR’s policies actually prolonged the Great Depression by seven years. Big government was just as much of a problem then as it is now and will be under Obama.

How easy the big-government types in Washington and the media drive by the fact that it was big government “solutions” that brought us into the economic downturn to begin with. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain, right?

Now if the government actually wanted to dig us out of the upcoming depression, they would cut taxes, shrink government, and allow ‘We the People’ to keep as much of our money as possible. Shoot, even the Chinese are cutting taxes. But it is becoming crystal clear that is not government’s intent: from the Wall Street Journal, “The U.S. Treasury has failed to reveal its strategy for stabilizing the financial system, not answered questions asked by a government watchdog, and has done nothing to help struggling homeowners.”

If you’ll remember, a Treasury spokesperson told back in September that the $700 billion figure is “not based on any particular data point. We just wanted to choose a really large number.”

Thing is, no amount of government spending will solve anything. Involving Uncle Sam with our money only opens the door for corruption. Politicians will redistribute our money to where it best benfits them and their cronies. And as Wall Street Journal reports, 90% of Obama’s innaguration funding comes from Wall Street, including executives that recieved bailout money.

And an update: last Friday we talked about Edwardsville, the little town in Alabama that was getting $374 million for all sorts of “green” projects in the stimulus package? Remember the street lights, museum, vineyards, and so on? Turns out they have withdrawn from the US Conference of Mayors survey.

This is what happens when you let people like Barack Obama and our federal government have unlimited access to our money. They spend it on a $55 million dollar mob museum in Las Vegas and $32 million dollar museum and information dissemination center for renewable energy in tiny Edwardsville, Alabama.

I don’t want my money going to fund these things, do you? At this point, though, do we have a choice?

And finally, the Supreme Court on Friday denied yet another emergency appeal of Barack Obama’s eligibility to become president. How comforting.

Read the Declaration of Independece. Are things really any different today than they were when we declared independence from Britain in 1776? Maybe there aren’t redcoats being quartered in our houses, but will we wait until the state has monitoring devices in our houses? Not much difference.

Elections matter. Every time we can vote, it is an opportunity for us to have a bloodless revolution. To shake the tree of liberty. To throw out the tyrants. To declare our independence. It’s your duty as an American.

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