
Gen. Mattis: Warrior

Ralph Peters calls prospective CENTCOM commander Marine General James Mattis “our finest Marine.” That is a mighty tall order for a service full of fine warriors and patriots. But he is among the last of a dying breed – warriors over the rank of Lieutenant Colonel.

For what it’s worth, Mattis didn’t seek this appointment. He was set to retire this autumn and “go back to rural Washington and grow onions.” But when his president and country called, he stepped up yet again.

Personally, I’d been disappointed a few weeks back when Mattis wasn’t selected to replace Gen. Stanley McChrystal in Afghanistan. (President Obama made the politically astute choice of Petraeus.) I would’ve preferred to have Mattis on the ground fighting, with Petraeus retained at CENTCOM.

Petraeus can fight, but his reputation makes him a useful military diplomat. While Mattis, too, can woo the Grand Wazoo of Upchuckistan, he would’ve promptly swept away much of the touchy-feely b.s. crippling our Afghan effort. Mattis is less interested in theories than in what actually works.

I pray this works out, but the problem our military has is the politicians who are in charge. We must fix that in November.

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