
South Carolina stands up Counterterrorism Advisory Team

From NavySEALs.com:

The Joint Services Detachment (JSD) of the South Carolina Military Department (SCMD) has established a Counterterrorism Advisory Team, a 10-plus member council composed of nationally recognized military, counterterrorism, and intelligence experts responsible for providing information to – and briefing – the JSD, and through JSD disseminating information to the broader S.C. Military Dept. The information used and the analysis presented in the briefings is public – based on open sources – and pertains to terrorism and terrorist threats to the state and nation.

The team – whose experts include retired U.S. Army Maj. Gen. Paul Vallely (a former FOX News military analyst), Dr. Walid Phares (a senior fellow at the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies), two retired CIA operations officers, and one retired FBI special agent for counterintelligence – is somewhat unique among military and paramilitary organizations, though there are groups like the Lower Manhattan Counter-Terrorism Advisory Team, a multi-agency team which includes among others the New York Police Department.

You can view their website here. Judging by its panel of experts, the Counterterrorism Advisory Team is one of the best teams of its kind in the nation. When it is official government policy to overlook the ideology of Islamic terrorism, having men and women who are not afraid to put the focus where it belongs is crucial to preserving American liberty and security.

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