National SecurityPolitics

Obama’s AG pick, and why we should flick

It would be worthwhile to point out who Barack Obama is nominating as Attorney General. Eric Holder was the Deputy AG under Janet Reno in Bill Clinton’s administration.

Under Holder’s watch, Holder facilitated PardonGate – where Clinton pardoned some interesting and dangerous characters. Two of the most heinous, Marc Rich and the FALN terrorists, are mentioned in National Review (emphasis mine):

Marc Rich, a billionaire, had been indicted of 65 counts of tax evasion and arms-dealing with Iran. He fled to Switzerland, where he lived an extravagant lifestyle. Holder personally worked with Rich’s attorney to get the pardon directly to then-president Clinton. Holder made clear that he did not oppose the pardon, while Rich’s wife was giving over $400,000 to the Clinton Library. She also raised significant money for the Democratic party and Hillary Clinton’s Senate race. President Clinton granted the pardon.

Now here’s how pardons are supposed to work:

The Justice Department Office of Pardon Counsel (OPC) evaluates requests for a presidential pardon. OPC considers evidence that the conviction was wrong or the sentence unjust, usually requiring a convicted person to have served five years of their prison sentence.

Then you have the terrorists (Marxist revolutionaries founded and supported by Cuba):

Sixteen terrorists of the FALN group were imprisoned for felonies involving bombs, guns, robbery, and sedition. But in 1999, Eric Holder facilitated President Clinton commuting their sentences.

By nominating Eric Holder to AG, Barack Obama has put his stamp of approval on Holder’s past actions. But that was then, this is now (emphasis mine):

Holder signed onto a brief earlier this year reaffirming his long-held position that the Second Amendment confers no rights whatsoever to private citizens, and that the Supreme Court should have upheld D.C.’s absolute ban on handguns, even in homes. Holder also has far-left views on unrestricted abortion, and opposes the death penalty. And, in a war on terror, Holder believes that all the rights that U.S. citizens have in civilian courts should be extended to foreign terrorists captured abroad.

Change we can believe in.

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