
Damn the evidence, full speed ahead!

An update on the SEAL 3 courts-martials: the prosecution’s paper-thin case has taken several more blows recently, but the prosecution limps forward, nonetheless. From The US Report:

At a Scottsdale, Ariz. rally on Saturday, Petty Officer Matthew McCabe – the only SEAL actually accused of striking the detainee – announced that he passed an independently-administered polygraph on March 16.

Additionally, one of the two charges against fellow SEAL Jonathan Keefe has been dropped, as the investigator failed to inform Keefe of his right to remain silent. The same NCIS investigator admitted that he also failed to inform Julio Huertas – the third charged SEAL – of his right to remain silent, so his charges could be dropped as well.

And McCabe’s attorney also informed me that last week the defense’s key witnesses – four SEALs and a Navy Corpsman – were granted immunity and would testify on behalf of the accused SEALs.

All that remains now is the word of a terrorist, who is trained to fake abuse, and a Master-at-Arms Third Class who has given five conflicting statements.

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