
Carrots for Taliban, Sticks for U.S. troops

ISAF commander Gen. Stanley McChrystal has ordered the closure of morale, welfare, and recreation facilities to pay for the Obama administration’s troop increase – which if you will remember was far less than what the military said would be necessary for “victory” (a word which Obama will not use).

This is a war zone — not an amusement park,” stated Command Sgt. Maj. Michael T. Hall on the decision to close fast food restaurants and other amenities on Afghanistan bases.

“One of the ways we’re going to do that — in order to accommodate the troop increase and get re-focused on the mission at hand — is to cut back on some of the non-essentials. That includes some of the morale, welfare and recreation facilities throughout Afghanistan.” said Hall. “In the coming weeks and months, concessions such as Orange Julius, Burger King, Pizza Hut, Dairy Queen and Military Car Sales will close their doors.”

Perhaps the Commander-in-Chief forgot who is fighting on our side: While the Obama administration is considering a stimulus package for the Taliban, McChrystal is forced to cut funding for our troops. And let’s not forget the trillions of dollars of new government spending.

Fewer first-run movies. Fewer canned and bottled goods. Fail.

But the bright news is that Canadian troops get to keep their Tim Hortons coffee shop in Kandahar. And the profits pay for health and welfare services for the Canadian forces.

Maybe the famous American quote should now read “Trillions for entitlements, but not a penny for defense!”

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