
Sen. Schumer’s idea of “Fair and Balanced”

Here comes trouble – Sen. Charles Schumer (D-NY) is already revving up the Fairness Doctrine in an interview on Fox News (the news organization that Democrats despise), where he said, “I think we should all be fair and balanced, don’t you?”


Let’s not kid ourselves. When Democrats speak of “fairness,” it means Americans and the Constitution are about to lose. From the party who has apparently elected a foreigner to the White House, in clear violation of the Constitution that they swore to uphold and support… we get another clear violation of the first amendment in the form of the return of the Fairness Doctrine. Remember, the Fairness Doctrine was abolished in 1987 because it violated the first amendment, and the decision was upheld in the 8th Circuit Court of Appeals in 1993.

Constitution be damned: Barack Obama will soon control the FCC, so I am figuring that we will see action by about noon on January 21.

More Schumer pearls of wisdom: “It’s time to reinstitute the Fairness Doctrine. I have this old-fashioned attitude that when Americans hear both sides of the story, they’re in a better position to make a decision.” Karl Marx had that old-fashioned attitude as well, chief.

The thing that he won’t say is that the very talk radio that he is trying to silence IS both sides of the story. Talk radio hosts spent more time informing their audiences of Obama’s platform than Obama did. That’s not going to fly, because the State doesn’t want you to know what they are doing to you.

“The very same people who don’t want the Fairness Doctrine want the FCC to limit pornography on the air. I am for that… But you can’t say government hands off in one area to a commercial enterprise but you are allowed to intervene in another. That’s not consistent.” There’s an old page out of the playbook. We can only protect you from pornography (which the left believes is free speech, even the child variety) if you let us control what you listen/read/watch. You don’t support child pornography do you?

Personally, I would leave it alone if I were the Democrats. The Obama campaign enjoyed support from the media that far eclipsed what the Soviets ever had from true state-run media. At least Izvestia and Pravda tried to maintain some facade of objectivity when contrasted with the love affair from our media.

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