
Remember what they said

October U.S. casulaties in Iraq are at an all-time low. The U.S. military just handed over security of Wasit province to Iraq, which makes the 13th province under full Iraqi control.

Good news? To the free world, yes. But not to the Obama campaign when you consider what they have said in the past.

Joe Biden called for partitioning Iraq into three countries. Iraq responded to his resolution by denouncing it in their parliament, and heavy criticism from Iraqi media.

Barack Obama still to this day will not credit the U.S. military’s determination and sacrifice by admitting that the ‘surge’ worked. If the man seeks to become the Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces, I would think it best to credit them for a job well done.

But I see why he wouldn’t, as Democrats tried their level best to undermine the fight in Iraq.

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