
What is Unto the Breach?

The government has manifested itself into a ruling class. Instead of representatives who uphold the Constitution, we now have rulers that view the Constitution as an obstacle. Sounds quite similar to 1775. Our government has marginalized the Constitution, and is marginalizing the American people as well.

Our electorate is misinformed thanks to our news media and has an inadequate education courtesy of our abysmal education system. Now the government can do what they want and say what they want, which is gaining control over our lives. The Constitution was meant to protect us from the government, but democracy cannot survive an uninformed electorate.

Think of government as a submarine and ‘we the people’ are the ocean. The ocean is much more powerful than the submarine, but the submarine has a thick hull protecting them from us. I saw something happen when Congress tried to pass amnesty for illegal immigrants this summer. They tried to sneak it through under cover of darkness, but the word got out. Soon, politicians’ offices were flooded with letters and phone calls protesting the bill.

We only want to protect our country. Our elected officials should too, as that is government’s primary role. No one is opposed to immigration; we are simply opposed to illegal immigration, which is ruining our country. We want the government to enforce the laws they themselves have passed. Since they do not enforce the laws already there, why pass new ones that they won’t enforce? The politicians didn’t like when the Americans stood against their legislation, so they tried to paint us as racists, nativists, or really bad people. They told us we didn’t understand what they were trying to do, essentially telling us we were not smart enough to comprehend their high-minded intentions. It didn’t work. They know they still have to rely on elections to stay in power, and the vast majority of Americans were against what they were trying to shove down our throats.

When that happened, a breach in the submarine’s hull started, like on submarine movies when a depth charge hits close, and water starts spraying in. Americans woke up and saw what Uncle Sam was doing to our country and what he had in store for us. But Washington is working like crazy to close valves and stop the leak. If we keep it up, the breach will widen, and the ocean will eventually implode the submarine. Let’s face it – socialism is on the rise in Washington. We just wrapped up half a century of fighting socialists, so I sure don’t want to become one.

More government means less liberty. I want the American people informed and involved in the political process. Americans want to win their wars, and preserve freedom for their future generations. Americans want to look at their government and feel proud, not see failure and feel subjugated

So now thanks to talk radio, and the new media, people see what is threatening the things that make America great: undermining the war in Iraq, socialist agendas, anti-Christian or anti-Semite pogroms, etc. My goal is to expose this behavior. I skip the stories you can get anywhere. I cut the fat and get to the things that are really important to America. I do have an agenda, and it is the truth. I do not carry the water for George Bush or the Republican Party. I call myself a Republican, but I do not identify with the jokers that call themselves Republicans in Washington. I will hold the Republican flag until they return to the principles that they are supposed to have.

So that is my shtick. Just another American doing what he thinks is best for the country. I will be part of the solution.

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