World War II Chronicle

World War Chronicle: August 11, 1941

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The front page reports that Marshal Semyon Budyonny’s Red Cavalry has charged into battle against the Germans in Ukraine. Pravda will portray the battle as a glorious victory, but while Budyonny thinks horse cavalry will outlast the passing fad of tanks, they can’t do much against modern mechanized infantry. We will soon see that Budyonny is not cut out for it either. A political ally of Josef Stalin, he survived the purges and became chief of the Southwestern High Command…

On page two: With half a billion dollars’ worth of construction tied up due to the strike, the Navy is standing by to take over the Federal Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Company at Kearney, N.J. (see page two)… Washington Nationals right fielder Buddy Lewis will report to Fort Bragg next week to begin his enlistment… There has been no report from President Roosevelt’s yacht as to what the commander-in-chief is up to since Saturday…

Roosevelt used USS Potomac as the presidential yacht

Sports section begins on page 14.

Evening star. (Washington, D.C.), 11 August 1941. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress.

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