
Navy Department Communique No. 185

NOVEMBER 7, 1942

South Pacific (all dates are east longitude).

  1. A minimum of 5,188 Japanese have been killed by U. S. forces in land-fighting in the Tulagi-Guadalcanal area of the Solomon Islands since our occupation of positions in this area on August 7, 1942. This figure is based on an actual count of enemy killed in actions ashore and does not include estimates of those killed in enemy-controlled areas where no count could be made.
  2. These known casualties suffered by the enemy were the result of the following actions:
    • (a) 1,000 Japanese were killed during our occupation of positions on the Islands of Tulagi, Gavutu, Makambo, and Tanambogo on August 7th and 8th.
    • (b) 670 of a force of 700 Japanese were killed near the mouth of the Tenaru River on the morning of August 21st.
    • (c) 500 Japanese were killed during severe fighting on Guadalcanal Island on the night of September 13-14.
    • (d) 2,000 Japanese were killed during operations extending from October 22d to October 27th.
    • (e) 1,018 Japanese were killed by bombs, hand grenades, surface force bombardment, aircraft strafing, artillery, machine gun and rifle fire and in hand-to-hand combat during minor skirmishes, snipings and small-scale engagements between Army-Marine Corps troops and the enemy from August 6th to November 7th.
  3. During the month of October, 369 enemy planes were destroyed by U. S. forces in the South Pacific area.
  4. No report of further action in the Guadalcanal area has been received since the issuance of Navy Department Communiqué No. 184.

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