
Navy Department Communique No. 180

NOVEMBER 3, 1942

South Pacific (all dates are east longitude).

  1. During the night of November 1-2, U. S. dive bombers continued attacks on enemy positions on the northwestern end of Guadalcanal Island.
  2. During the morning of November 2d, U. S. destroyers bombarded enemy positions on Guadalcanal, west of the Matanikau River, supporting our land attacks in that area.
  3. During the night of November 2-3, the Japanese landed troop reinforcements to the eastward of our positions on the north coast of Guadalcanal Island.
  4. Revised reports have been received containing the following corrections to the report of damage inflicted on the enemy during the naval air battle which was fought on October 26th, as announced in Navy Department Communiqué No. 177:
    • Subparagraph (d) of paragraph No. 1 should read “One heavy bomb hit on a light cruiser” (instead of a battleship).
    • Subparagraph (g) of paragraph No. 1 should read “Three torpedo hits on a heavy cruiser” (instead of two torpedo hits).
    • A subparagraph (h) should be added to paragraph No. 1 to read “Four heavy bomb hits on a heavy cruiser of the Mogami class.”

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