
Navy Department Communique No. 173

OCTOBER 29, 1942

South Pacific (All dates are east longitude).

  1. On October 27th:
    • (a) During the morning, our aircraft from Guadalcanal attacked enemy shore installations and aircraft moored in Rekata Bay. Fires were started and four seaplanes were destroyed on the water.
    • (b) During the day, aircraft from Guadalcanal bombed enemy gun positions to the westward of our airfield. An antiaircraft battery and an ammunition dump were destroyed.
    • (c) During the late afternoon, an enemy assault on our positions succeeded in piercing our lines. Army and Marine Corps successfully counterattacked and our original positions were regained. Two additional enemy thrusts were repulsed.
  2. No report of any recent action at sea or landing of enemy troop reinforcements has been received.

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