
Navy Department Communique No. 167

OCTOBER 25, 1942

South Pacific (All dates are east longitude).

  1. During the night of October 22-23, U. S. long-range aircraft attacked enemy ships in the Shortland Island area of the Solomon Islands. Bombs and torpedoes inflicted the following damage on enemy vessels:
    • (a) One light cruiser damaged by one direct and one probable torpedo hit.
    • (b) One destroyer damaged by a bomb hit.
    • (c) One heavy cruiser (or battleship) possibly damaged by a torpedo hit.
    • All of our planes returned.
  2. During the late morning of October 23d, our airfield at Guadalcanal was attacked by 16 enemy bombers escorted by 20 “Zero” fighters. Our Grumman “Wildcats” intercepted and shot down 1 bomber, damaged 3 others and destroyed the entire fighter escort.
  3. During the night of October 23-24, enemy troops, using tanks and heavy artillery barrage, made four attempts to penetrate our western defense lines on Guadalcanal. Our Army and Marine Corps troops and artillery batteries repulsed each attack and destroyed five enemy tanks.
    • (a) During the early afternoon about 20 enemy bombers, escorted by an equal number of “Zero” fighters, attacked our positions on Guadalcanal. Our Grumman “Wildcats” intercepted and shot down 8 enemy bombers and 11 Zeros. Two of our fighters were lost.
  4. During the early morning of October 24th, an additional enemy attack against our western defense lines was broken up by our aircraft and artillery. One U. S. plane was lost.
  5. During the night of October 24-25, U. S. aircraft attacked an enemy surface force of several cruisers and destroyers about 300 miles northeast of Guadalcanal. One cruiser was reported probably damaged by a torpedo.
  6. On October 25th:
    • (a) During the morning troops from enemy transports were landed on the northwest end of Guadalcanal Island. No amplifying report on these operations has been received.
    • (b) During the day Douglas “Dauntless” dive bombers from Guadalcanal made three attacks on an enemy force of cruisers and destroyers immediately north of Florida Island. One enemy cruiser was damaged by bombs and the force withdrew.

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