
Jesus For Shariah?

Jeffrey Imm at Responsibility for Equality And Liberty (R.E.A.L.) reports that Islam4UK, a British Islamic supremacist group, has launched a PR campaign called “Jesus 4 Shariah” to promote Islamic Shariah law to UK Christians.

In this latest campaign, this group that has called for Sharia-based stonings, amputations, suppression of women, and support for Jihadist terrorists, seeks to persuade the public that Jesus would be against democracy and would be promoting Islamic Sharia law.  Islam4UK plans to schedule a “debate” to prove this point at an unknown location on December 18, 2009 in the United Kingdom.

Among its points, Islam4UK asks:

  • “Is the message of Jesus pro-secular democracy or pro-total implementation divine law within society?”
  • “Would Jesus stand with the oppressed people in Iraq, Afghanistan and Palestine or with the oppressive occupiers?”

But what Islam4UK conveniently leaves out is that Jesus would have no part in the vile treatment of females under Shariah, nor would he condone stonings, suicide bombings, or especially the crucifixion of Christians.

Imm has a plethora of information on Islam4UK, which is reportedly a spin-off of the banned group Al-Muhajiroun.

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