
War Department Communique No. 165

MARCH 27, 1942

The War Department issued the following communiqué, based on reports received until 10 a.m. today:

  1. Philippine theater:
    Corregidor Island was under almost continuous air bombardment during the afternoon of March 27. Our anti-aircraft artillery forced enemy bombers to fly at such a high altitude that hostile bombing proved very inaccurate, causing practically no damage to military installations. The enemy attempted night raids, but the Japanese planes were picked up by our searchlights and hastily fled after dropping their bombs in the bay. One heavy enemy bomber was shot down by our anti-aircraft fire.
    Batteries of our island forts shelled enemy gun emplacements on the Cavite shore.
    In Bataan enemy patrols were particularly active. A successful night raid was carried out by one of our patrols. Our artillery fired on troop and truck concentrations and on hostile batteries. One Japanese battery was silenced and numerous casualties were suffered by the enemy.
    In the vicinity of Zamboanga, on the island of Mindanao, our patrols penetrated the enemy lines to within one kilometer of the city where an outpost was successfully raided. Our troops sustained no casualties in this encounter.
  2. There is nothing to report from other areas.

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