
Navy Department Communique No. 40

FEBRUARY 13, 1942

The Navy Department issued the following communiqué based on additional reports of the Marshall and Gilbert islands’ action of January 31, 1942.

Central Pacific.
Enemy losses in the naval raid of January 31, 1942, conducted by ships and planes of the U. S. Pacific Fleet against Japanese bases in the Marshall and Gilbert Islands totaled 16 ships and 41 planes.
Our losses totaled 11 scout bombers which failed to return, 4 from the Islands of Roi and Kwajalein, 1 from the Island of Taroa, and 6 from the Islands of Jaluit and Makin.

In carrying out the raids on the several islands Vice Admiral William F. Halsey, Jr., divided his surface and air forces into self-sustaining units. Timing the arrival of each force at its destination perfectly, he was able to carry out simultaneous and highly destructive attacks on each island.
Rear Admiral Frank J. Fletcher, acting under orders of Admiral Halsey, led the forces which made the attacks against the Islands of Jaluit and Makin.
Vice Admiral Halsey has been awarded the Distinguished Service Medal for planning and conducting these brilliant and audacious attacks on Japanese strongholds and for driving them home with great skill and determination.
Commander Miles R. Browning, Chief of Staff to Admiral Halsey, has been recommended for promotion to captain.
Appropriate rewards to other officers and men may be expected later when all recommendations have been received and acted upon.
There is nothing to report from other areas.

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