
Navy Department Communique No. 32

JANUARY 24, 1942

The Navy Department issued the following communiqué, on the naval situation based on reports received up to 5 p. m. (e. s. t.) today:

Far East.
The Navy Department has been advised by the Commander in Chief, Asiatic Fleet, that United States’ destroyers made a night attack on an enemy convoy in the Makassar Straits. Our forces made several torpedo hits and close range gun hits on destroyers and transports. The effect of the attack was that one large enemy ship was blown up; another was sunk; a third was listing heavily when last sighted, and considerable damage was inflicted upon other vessels.
Our destroyers received only slight damage. Our only casualties were four men wounded, one seriously and three slightly.

Atlantic Area.
Enemy submarines are operating off the East Coast of the United States as far south as Savannah, Ga. Countermeasures against their activities are continuing with favorable results.
There is nothing to report from other areas.

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