
Navy Department Communique No. 17

DECEMBER 24, 1941

The Navy Department issued the following communiqué, on the naval situation based on reports received up to 9 a. m. (e. s. t.) today:

Atlantic Theater.
There are no new developments to report.

Eastern Pacific.
The S. S. Larry Doheny was shelled by an enemy submarine, but reached port safely. Press reports of the sinking of the S. S. Montebello are confirmed.

Central Pacific.
Radio communication with Wake has been severed and the capture of the island is probable. Two enemy destroyers were lost in the final landing operations.
Palmyra Island was shelled by an enemy submarine. Damage was negligible. There were no casualties. Johnston Island was also shelled by an enemy submarine with no damage to material and no casualties resulting.
The Hawaiian area was quiet.

Far East.
There are no new developments to report.

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