ImagesMilitary History

B-52 and a Hound Dog

A Boeing B-52F taking off, armed with AGM-28 Hound Dog missiles loaded on the inboard wing pylons. (U.S. Air Force photo)

Here is another shot of the Hound Dog:

B-52s would carry Hound Dog cruise missiles to neutralize Soviet air defenses. The AGM-28 could carry the B28 thermonuclear warhead, capable of producing between 70 and 1,450 kilotons. (U.S. Air Force photo)

In the event of an incoming strike that would annihilate their airbase, B-52s could utilize the Hound Dogs’ jet engines to get airborne even more quickly. The bomber could then refuel the missiles from its fuel tanks while enroute to the target. Its Pratt & Whitney J62 turbojet (same as that carried by the A-6 Intruder) could drive the missile to Mach 2.1, reaching targets over 700 miles away. Fortunately none of these missiles were ever used in combat, and the Hound Dog was removed from service in 1975.

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