
SEALs kill top Somali terrorist

Finally, some decisive action from the president. Ten days ago, Obama signed an Execute Order against Saleh Ali Saleh Nabhan, a terrorist with the al Qaeda-linked al Shabaab group.

Navy SEALs conducted a raid in southern Somalia which killed Nabhan – one of the FBI’s most wanted terrorists. Nabhan was wanted for his role in a 2002 suicide attack against an Israeli-owned hotel in Mombasa, Kenya, and an unsuccessful surface-to-air missile attack against an Israeli Boeing 757 airliner. He was also wanted for the 1998 U.S. Embassy attacks in Kenya.

From FOX News:

Ten days ago President Obama signed the Execute Order for Nabhan, who since 2006 was on the FBI’s list of most wanted terrorists. He was also wanted for the attacks on the U.S. Embassy in Kenya in 1998.

They called it operation Celestial Balance: at least two AH-6 Little Bird helicopters deployed from one of two U.S. Navy vessels near Somalia’s coast strafed a vehicle Nabhan was using to go back and forth between meetings.

Intelligence operatives had been monitoring Sabhan prior to the attack. The helicopters passed once, firing on the vehicle, and then circled back around to retrieve the body so they could make a positive identification, according to an official.

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