
Are we even TRYING to catch bin Laden anymore?

The search for Osama bin Laden has been farmed out to Pashtun spies run by the ISI – the Pakistani intel service that created the Taliban. Conflict of interest? Instead of actually accomplishing anything, the ISI handlers keep our spooks prison-like conditions staring at computer monitors.

I don’t think our politicians are willing to do anything but to just have a presence overseas. Killing bin Laden may not bring about the end of al Qaeda, but it sure as heck would be a great propaganda victory for the U.S. – something neither of the last two administrations seem willing to do.

From the Times of London:

When a senior al-Qaeda figure was identified and located — Mr Keller said that it would take weeks, often months, to build a case for an airstrike by a US Predator drone — and even if the go-ahead was finally given by CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia, the Pakistanis still had to approve. “Since 9/11, with 99 per cent of these strikes, the Pakistanis were consulted and they have to approve them,” he said.

99% of air strikes are given with approval from a government that is doing its best to keep this guy hidden. Why do you think that Pakistan waits for months to give approval for air strikes? Because the target is long gone. What Mickey Mouse political appointee makes these decisions? This is BS! No wonder why Michael Scheuer is pissed off.

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