
Well, was Obama lying?

Apparently we live in a culture where manners are more important than our president lying and spending trillions of dollars. While the media’s focus is on the South Carolina representative Joe Wilson for calling Obama a liar during his address to Congress, my question is: was Obama lying?

Kay Day sorts it out at The U.S. Report:

For starters Erick Erickson is right about this when he says: “The Democrats have blocked specific Republican attempts to require citizenship verification to get on the government plan. Why? The State Medicaid agencies are given the ability to set eligibility standards for the low income subsidies that will be used for the plan. And they have no incentive not to enroll illegal aliens, particularly since it’s a 100% federal match.”

Thus there’s actually an incentive for states to provide medical care, not just to illegals, but to anyone because of the match.

As my frequent readers know, there is also a fatuous provision in HR 3200 that creates a loophole of sorts. I’ve cited it often because it’s similar to the standards that got the US into deep water on lending. Section 1203, ‘Eliminating Barriers to Enrollment,’ stipulates, for the low-income subsidy program, “an individual shall be permitted to apply on the basis of self-certification of income and resources; and`(II) matters attested to in the application shall be subject to appropriate methods of verification without the need of the individual to provide additional documentation, except in extraordinary situations as determined by the Commissioner.”


Throughout all his speeches, the president has not once cited a specific section from HR 3200 or any of the other bills. Protesters have been vocal and for their demonstrations, have been vilified by media and Democrats, many of whom appear not to have even read HR 3200.

Right on – those who actually trouble themselves to read the bill are the ones who need to be reported to the White House. That’s why Obama, Reid, and Pelosi write legislation in smoky backrooms of Congress – with no input from Republicans – and try to allow only a day or two for deliberation.

The proof will be in the pudding. When we see that illegal aliens are receiving healthcare – despite Obama’s promises -there will be one more instance in an already long list of lies Obama has told to the American people in order to enact his wildly unpopular and unconstitutional agenda.

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