
Dianne Sawyer: Continuing in the Footsteps of Cronkite

The Media Research Center has compiled a report that exposes ABC News’ future anchor Dianne Sawyer’s political bias. As evidenced in the report, ABC’s viewers will be treated to more soft-soaping of our enemies, more globalist propaganda, and more proof that the profession of journalism is dead (Walter Cronkite would be proud).

As we learned from CBS’s apologists with the drop in viewers following Katie Couric’s promotion, any drop in ratings will not be due to America’s disgust with the political activism by the network – it will be because ABC’s audience are Sexist! As Rush Limbaugh says (and I paraphrase), “media is the only profession in which the customer is always wrong.”

Remember that ABC is the network that aired an Obama infomercial from the White House, with no rebuttal from the Republicans.

Surely John Podesta’s Center for American Progress will compile a report addressing the “Structural Imbalance of Political Coverage in Journalism.”

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