Hamas and Iran f**ked around, will find out
Sometimes a military operation is such a tactical success that you enrage the enemy and lose the war. Just ask Japan: their surprise attack on Pearl Harbor was a smashing victory, but turned an anti-war American population into a fierce enemy that crushed not just Japan, but Germany and Italy simultaneously. Likewise, Hamas thought they had everything going for them when they pulled off the Oct. 7 attack on Israel, but it is going to blow up in their face.
If you know you can’t achieve your strategic objectives militarily — or via terrorist tactics — why risk war in the first place? Japan figured we didn’t want to stop their empire-building badly enough to send millions of our boys off to die. By killing thousands of Americans that infamous Sunday morning they got our blood up and steeled America’s resolve. Based on Israel’s previous limited responses to Palestinian or Lebanese terror attacks, Hamas had every reason to believe they could carry out their barbaric assault. After a limited counterattack, the rest of the world would pressure Israel into a ceasefire. Hamas comes out ahead because Israel would likely not want to invade the Strip and risk staggering casualties in a potential Middle East Stalingrad. Meanwhile the Iranians, who are behind all of this, shore themselves up as regional strongman while breaking up the developing peace between Israel and Arab states.
Iran’s win-win-win-win-win scenario?
Iran is more than happy to sacrifice Palestinians. No Muslim country will take them in; they want the troublesome Palestinians right where they are as martyrs against the Israelis. The Iranians are out nothing when their Palestinian pawns are killed, and the propaganda from Israeli counterattacks which inevitably kill Palestinian civilians is even more useful to the cause. There is simply no downside for Iran when it comes to arming and training their proxies. Win.
On the information front, celebrities, the United Nations, news media, American politicians, and college students will all unite in support of the Palestinian cause and in opposition to Israel. Should one of your own missiles hit a hospital, just lie about it and blame the Jews. Iran knows better than anyone that Western media is only too happy to parrot whatever Hamas or Hezbollah tells them. Win.
The United States military could easily crush Iran if allowed to. But that doesn’t matter when Iran shows the world our commander-in-chief won’t do a damn thing to them. They can launch missile after missile at American forces stationed around the Middle East (wounding dozens of our troops), murder 33 American citizens and hold even more hostage, and the Biden Administration still has no problems sending $100 million to Hamas — after freeing up billions of dollars for Iran. Meanwhile, Washington is doing everything it can to make sure Iran develops nuclear weapons. Provide an opportunity to further divide the United States against itself, show our once-feared military as emasculated, and deal out crippling blows to American national prestige? More wins for Iran.

How about using weapons that were supposed to be arming the Ukrainian military, or weapons Joe Biden insanely abandoned in Afghanistan? Win. If that wasn’t enough, show the Iranian government chanting “Death to America” every few months. Winning.
Teheran’s “pros and cons” list for the Oct. 7 terror attack seems to have nothing on the “con” side. But like the Japanese before them, the Islamists may have miscalculated what happens next.
Everything looks good IF the status quo doesn’t change. Where Hamas went wrong is the level of barbarity was so extreme that a significant percentage of people won’t be able to overlook what happened. Until now many people were too busy living their lives to care about the Middle East. Some terrorist blows up something, the Israelis shoot back, and people die. Why can’t we all just get along, right? Well just one side chops off heads, shoots babies, gang-rapes women, and mutilates entire families… Hamas went way too far and it will likely cost them a lot of the support they once enjoyed.
There will now be a reputational or financial cost to corporations, politicians, media outlets, and celebrities wishing to support the Palestinian cause that wasn’t there before. Over time, virtue signaling support for Palestinians will become less desirable as it isn’t worth potentially taking heavy damage to your brand. Some people and groups are just evil — and at least now we no longer have to wonder who they are. Humans have hated Jews for thousands of years so don’t expect a sea change in support for Israel; it will be more of a drying up of public support for Palestinian terrorism.
Of the people who appear to be overt supporters of terrorism, some are just ignorant college kids who have a Che Guevara shirt and support whatever the “current thing” is. Some, like Black Lives Matter, share common enemies. Some, like “Squad” members Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar, are Islamic supremacists. Fellow Squad member Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is right there with them, but since she claims to be Catholic that makes her a “useful idiot.” How many of these people believe in the Palestinian cause so strongly (if they understand it in the first place) they are willing to risk getting punched in the mouth for carrying signs with swastikas, paraglider silhouettes, or for chanting genocidal slogans like “from the river to the sea?”
Despite all their noise on social media and coverage in the news, I’d say very few. The people we are dealing with are disgusting, but there aren’t as many of them as we are led to believe by people whose job it is to demoralize us. And while these groups may work together right now, these rats will eventually turn on each other.
The FAFO Matrix
The world is currently being destabilized by countries like Iran, who are punching way above their weight class for one reason: powerful countries like the United States and Israel let them. Oct. 7 will hopefully help guide the world back to a system that worked great at keeping weaker countries like Iran from messing with countries they shouldn’t for thousands of years, which you could call “F**k around and find out.” There is an excellent video out there that explains all this.
Right now it is a bit of a mystery which side the White House is on. On one hand the regime throws out the same tired platitudes of “we stand with Israel” and is sending armed forces no one thinks we will actually use. But on the other, they send billions of dollars to the side who is killing Americans and holding them hostage. This problem can be fixed in the next election. You may not like Donald Trump, but if you f**k around with Americans while he is president like Quds Force commander Qasem Suleimani did, you’ll definitely find out1Suleimani, who was instrumental in killing over 600 Americans and was assassinated by drone strike in 2020.
The “day of rage” planned on Oct. 13 in response to Palestinian casualties fizzled out, but Islamists are calling for another one this Friday. If the lone wolves and jihadist sleeper cells try to carry out similar attacks in the United States, they will meet a population that is armed to the teeth that knows how to fight, and to be frank, some would like the opportunity to finally fight back. Because while jihadists love death, Americans love our families and way of life. We know the demonic hatred your side is capable of and if death is what you love, you’ll get it good and hard. F**k around and find out.
Israel will likely crush Hamas. Hopefully they will hunt down and kill every bastard involved in the Oct. 7 attack. When you are surrounded by enemies that say you have no right to exist, at some point you take them seriously and not give a damn what Europeans or CNN thinks. Crying “disproportionate response!” and passing UN resolutions until the Israelis stop shooting back used to work, but hopefully not any more. The world has changed.
The Japanese gambled and lost horrendously in World War II. 83 years later, Hamas and their Iranian puppet masters may have woke up their own sleeping giant.