
Chinese fighter intercepts highlight America’s collapse

The Pentagon disclosed that Chinese fighters have conducted more dangerous intercepts of American military aircraft in the last two years than that of the past decade. This is because China knows we are led by a very weak and compromised president who will do nothing to stop them. These incidents are a tool to show the world China can do what it wants to the United States and there isn’t a damn thing we will do about it.

China and Russia have sent fighters dangerously close to our aircraft during every presidential administration. One Chinese fighter even collided with an EP-3 Orion aircraft during the George W. Bush administration, destroying a Chinese fighter and crippling our plane. Russia sends warplanes near our airspace and buzzes our aircraft carriers. One Russian pilot recently took out a unmanned MQ-9 Reaper drone over the Black Sea earlier this year.

What keeps them from taking out one of our manned aircraft? There is no need to. Russia and China both know they are no match for a competently led United States military, but we do not have competent commanders. America is politically fractured, with most of Washington viewing regular Americans as far bigger enemies than China or Russia. Military and naval leadership has been similarly politicized and corrupted. There are still good sailors, soldiers, airmen, and Marines, but it is only a matter of time before cultural rot ruins the entire institution.

There is no need for China or Russia to risk war with us when Washington, D.C. is destroying America from within.

The best thing China and Russia can do is exactly what they are doing: stay out of the way while the United States collapses. And in the meantime, harass our aircraft to show the world that allying with the United States is now pointless. Sure, President Biden flying to Israel may look like a big deal; a visit from the U.S. president used to be a big deal. But Joe Biden at this stage of his life does not command any respect. Our global prestige fell off a cliff during his presidency, most notably with the disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal. It showed the rest of the world that United States may be able to throw money around, but give it a few years and we will be about as relevant as Italy when it comes to foreign policy. Rome was a global superpower once, but no one gives a hoot in hell what they think about what’s going on in Israel in 2023.

Whether it’s spy balloons overflying our entire country with impunity or fighters harassing our aircraft, China is showing the world that — like them or not — they are the future, and the United States of America is a relic of the past. China is showing us they are the new strong man in foreign policy so if you know what’s good for you and your country, you better get on the right side of history.