World War II Chronicle: January 4, 1943
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Sports section begins on page 12. Pictured on the next page Lt. Charlie Gehringer, formerly a second baseman for the Detroit Tigers. He coaches St. Mary’s Pre-Flight baseball team during the war and is elected to the Hall of Fame in 1949. In 1937 the 34-year old Gehringer beat out a 22-year-old Joe DiMaggio for American League Most Valuable Player… George Fielding Eliot discusses the Japanese carrier situation in his column on page 29…
Where are the carriers?
There are only two fleet carriers operating in the Pacific: Saratoga is undergoing repairs at Noumea and Enterprise is training near Espiritu Santo. Long Island, America’s first escort carrier, is anchored at San Diego training new carrier pilots and will be joined by Core (commissioned Dec. 10) next month. Former fleet oilers Suwanee and Chenango transited the Panama Canal after supporting operations in North Africa and will soon be sailing for Guadalcanal. Copahee is in overhaul after service in the Solomons. Apart from Long Island, which holds 30 planes, these escort carriers carry 24 aircraft and operate in ferry roles or provide escort.
Over the next three months the Pacific Fleet will add Lexington (CV-16) and the light carriers Princeton (CVL-23) and Belleau Wood (CVL-24).
Evening star. (Washington, D.C.), 4 January 1943. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress.