
Lewis and Clark virtual ride: Fort Mandan

Crossing the Missouri River, heading north along North Dakota State Highway 200 into Washburn, N.D. (Google Street View image)

Today I reached the area where the Corps of Discovery established Fort Mandan, which was their winter camp from 2 November 1804 to 7 April 1805. “The huts were in two rows, containing four rooms each, and joined at one end forming an angle,” wrote Sgt. Patrick Gass. “When rasied [sic] about 7 feet high a floor of puncheons or split plank were laid, and covered with grass and clay; which made a warm loft. The upper part projected a foot over and the roofs were made shed-fashion, rising from the inner side, and making the outer wall about 18 feet high. The part not inclosed by the huts we intended to picket. In the angle formed by the two rows of huts we built two rooms, for holding our provisions and stores.”

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