
How did NASA ship the Apollo spacecraft and rocket components?

The Apollo 11 spacecraft Command Module (CM) is loaded aboard a “Super Guppy” at Ellington Air Force Base (Texas) for shipment to the North American Rockwell Corp. at Downey, Calif. on 14 August 1969. The CM was just released from its postflight quarantine at the Manned Spacecraft Center. Note damage to aft heat shield caused by reentry. (NASA image)

I found this image while putting together my next aircraft slideshow post. To meet President John F. Kennedy’s goal of putting a man on the moon by the end of the decade, NASA needed a faster way of moving components from the Apollo program’s various contractors across the country to Cape Canaveral, Florida than loading these massive parts via ship.

The solution: the Pregnant Guppy. It’s amazing that a plane that large could fly, but it did. Stay tuned for more.

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