
Twenty life truths

This morning as I was shaving, I began thinking about things I’ve learned to be true over my 58-plus years on this earth so far. They are truths that I know to be, not based on any particular degrees or specific levels of training, but on pure experience.

Here are 20 of these truths –

  1. A three-blade razor will always give you a closer shave than a two-blade or a one-blade. And a cheap razor will cut you.
  2. It is essential to the life of your car to regularly change the oil in it.
  3. The perfect elementary school (1960s-era) cinnamon roll no longer exists.
  4. At the primal level (I’m not talking about post-conditioning), men and women will react differently to immediate dangerous stimuli. Sorry, but it’s true.
  5. There are things in this world which can only be explained by the existence of evil and dark forces.
  6. All Marines with 0300-infantry MOS’s love to fight. I don’t, but I’m the exception.
  7. A broken bone will heal in time as will a broken heart.
  8. There is something inherently good about a person who sacrifices his or her time and money to go on a Christian mission trip (and no, I’ve never been on one.)
  9. A drop-dead-gorgeous woman will make a smart man lose his mind for a split second (and nobody will ever know). But she will make a stupid man lose his mind indefinitely.
  10. Everybody, at a minimum, needs a smile and a kind word.
  11. Nobody cooks as good as my mom. They may exist, but I’ve never met them.
  12. If a person talks bad about his friends to you, he’s probably talking bad about you to his friends.
  13. When alone and in the middle of nowhere, a .45 is always more reassuring than a 9mm.
  14. People will leave you in this life. Some will die. Some will walk away. Some will also betray you or otherwise let you down. God will never do any of those things.
  15. Holding a newborn baby heals and comforts the one holding it in ways impossible to describe.
  16. Elderly people are treasures.
  17. Christmas truly is “the most wonderful time of the year.”
  18. There is something spiritually uplifting about mowing the lawn. Preteens and teenage boys don’t understand this. We have to get some age on us before we begin to appreciate the spirituality in grass cutting.
  19. Miracles from God still happen.
  20. God’s Word is true.

Alright, back to work.

– Please visit W. Thomas Smith Jr. at

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