
OPSEC was right: Loose lips do sink ships

When it comes to operational security, whom would you trust—the men and women who live and die based on their ability to operate covertly, or politicians who campaign for a living?

Based on recent reactions to a new documentary claiming that leaks from the Obama administration damage the effectiveness of our special operations and intelligence forces, the media and the President apparently want us to side with the politicians.

Recently the video Dishonorable Disclosures: How Leaks and Politics Threaten National Security was released. It was produced by the Special Operations Political Committee (OPSEC for short), composed of former special operators and intelligence agents.

OPSEC’s website states the video is part of a campaign “to combat the spike in leaks and politicization of Intelligence and Special Operations missions that threaten their effectiveness and the safety of Americans who conduct them.”

Rather than objectively examining or addressing the claims found in the video, the media and President Barack Obama have opted to smear the warriors instead.

“I don’t take these folks too seriously,” Obama told The Virginian-Pilot in an interview. “One of their members is a birther who denies I was born here, despite evidence to the contrary. You’ve got another who was a tea party candidate in a recent election. This kind of stuff springs up before election time.”

Nothing to see here – they are tea partiers and birthers, after all! But these folks that Obama has relegated to little more than a dirty Republican trick are individuals whose lives depended on the operational security that the president and his administration are endangering.

The leaks are so numerous and critical that Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) requested a joint hearing with the Senate Armed Services Committee to investigate the leaks. “I have been on the Intelligence Committee for 11 years,” Feinstein said, “and I have never seen it worse than this.”

We should consider what the OPSEC members have to say before we dismiss them as the president has.

STUXNET Cyberattack

The New York Times disclosed that the United States and Israel… [Read the rest at The US Report]

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