
How to fix Washington

“I do not believe that the solution to our problem is simply to elect the right people. The important thing is to establish a political climate of opinion which will make it politically profitable for the wrong people to do the right thing. Unless it is politically profitable for the wrong people to do the right thing, the right people will not do the right thing either, or if they try, thew will shortly be out of office.”

– Milton Friedman

2 thoughts on “How to fix Washington

  • This is very true, however, Obama must go and then it is up to us to get these delusional ego maniacs back on track. And I mean on it, not buzzing by it in an express car. .Everything they have done wrong to continue to get rich and infamous has got to stop. All the special perks, like getting a pension after six years, not paying Social Security and that goes for everyone who is getting their checks and have left DC.

    The Supreme court is not so supreme as their records show, I’m pretty sure that when they are sworn in the last four words of the oath are: “So help me God”! Now how can you then go and judge about the word God being in pledges or on our money for over 200 years. I also think their like some of my good friends who are Aggie’s, they’re dam smart but haven’t got a nickles worth of common sense….

    The entire nation needs to “Stand Their Ground” and have progress meetings with their representative and there needs to be more public meetings.

    We all meed to remember if we are at War, they sent us there. If we owe a billion dollars to a country, they borrowed it, and if they will not abide by the constitution then they are traitors and should be locked up on the spot and then sent through an impartial judicial system and reap what you sow.

    Of course the worst situation I have seen is the total disregards for our POW/MIA’s from Roosevelt to Obama and I’m sure if they EVER show us the actual true records instead of denying and stalling millions of civilians will then know how deep a scar this has put on our nations history., which can never heal.

    Rangers Lead the Way

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